Career Academy School Investiture Ceremony 2023-24
Career Academy School Investiture Ceremony 2023-24 An investiture ceremony is a significant event that showcases the essence of leadership and responsibility. It is an occasion where deserving individuals are honoured and entrusted with the authority to lead and gn to recognise and instil a sense of pride and accountability among the recipients. The selected students were honoured with their respective badges of Head boy , Head girl were bestowed upon Akshay XII Arts Head Girl Ruchika XII Commerce. Ayush Samta XII Arts Bhavika Rathi IX F were chosen as sports captain where as Yashika Pundir XII APURVA X as discipline Captains. Saubhagya plus 2 commerce Vanshika Atri plus one non medical were selected as captain and vice captain of Indian house Siddharth plus two arts and Aditya Bhardwaj plus one non medical was chosen for Captain and vice captain of Atlantic house Sarthak plus two medical and Shreya Sharma plus one non medical were selected as captain and Vice Captain for Arctic house. The student Council members took oath to faithfully work for the school The ceremony was facilitated by our Principal Shri Rajesh Solanki and Vice Principal Ms. Rose D’Souza. Our Principal also encouraged the student Council to put in honest efforts for every endeavour and become an inspiration for others.